Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Writing: Taking Ownership

Writers take ownership over their own work! 

They reflect on the work they showed in their published personal narrative (or any piece of writing) and ask themselves, "What have I done really well here? What have I started to do? And what have I not done?"  

Writers find evidence of their work in the piece to support their answers.

Narrative Writing Student Checklist
Grade 4
Starting To
Not Yet
WHAT my goals are as a writer
HOW I will work towards my goals
I wrote the important part of an event, bit by bit and took out unimportant parts.

I wrote a beginning that shows what is happening and where. It gets the reader into the world of the story.

I used words and phrases to show how much time went by, with phrases that mark time, like just then, suddenly (to show when things happened quickly) or after a while, a little later (to show when a little time passed).

What happened at the end of the story connects to the beginning or middle.

I used action, dialogue, or feeling to bring my story to a close.

I used paragraphs to separate the different parts or times of the story, or to show when a new person is speaking.

I added more to the heart of my story, including not only actions and dialogue but also thoughts and feelings.

I showed why characters do what they do by including their thinking.

I made some parts of the story go quickly, some slowly.

I included precise and sometimes sensory details and used figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification) to bring my story to life.

I used a storytelling voice and conveyed the emotion or tone of my story through description, phrases, dialogue, and thoughts.

Language Conventions
I used what I know about word families and spelling rules to help me spell and edit. I used the word wall and dictionaries to help me when needed.

When writing long, complex sentence, I used commas to make them clear and correct.

Modified from TCRWP

Then, writers use their reflection on their piece to set new goals for themselves as writers!

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