Has college been your dream since you heard of it? That’s great, but there
are some issues to come with a college package, the cost. It is too
expensive! Elementary school, middle school and high school are just as
important and they don’t cost as much at all. College shouldn’t cost so
much because it leads you to a lot of great wonders ahead. It helps you
prepare for big surprises. College is important for jobs and careers.
Let’s stand to make college cost less. For instance: people shouldn’t
pay so much for college because, it leads you to a lot of great wonders
ahead here are my listings: college leads you to a lot of great wonders
because, college teaches you the importance in life. College leads you
to a lot of great wonders in life because you can choose to do something
and then learn how to do it even better. Even though this part is over,
I still think I should tell you a bit more.
People shouldn’t pay so much for college because it helps you prepare for big
surprises. Listen to my examples: College helps you prepare you for big
surprises because, sometimes you don’t know what kinds of events to
watch out for and things that are safe without college. College helps
you prepare for big surprises because you need to be good at what you’re
going to do so you can be successful and not get fired. College
prepares you for big surprises because you can make mistakes without
being aware of how to do something if you can’t go to college. Don’t go
to away ‘cause I’ll be right back, but that doesn’t mean that this part
isn’t important anymore.
People shouldn’t pay so much for college because it helps you with jobs and careers. Here’s a thorough story to prove my point. My dad was a successful journalist before I was born, but he became that he went to Columbia University, and there he learned journalism and then he joined the Budapest Sun, but he couldn’t have done it without college. Now my dad is with me, my mom, my sister and my dog, plus he’s also got an amazing career as a P.R. agent. I hope you now realize why I think college shouldn’t cost so much. And now that I think about it, I realize that if people can’t go to college because some of them get bad bad luck and might end up working in a gas station or driving people around in taxis as a taxi driver. Fortunately some people are smart even without college and then they can have an awesome life continuing to be successful. But sadly it’s not always like that. I hope that one day someone will realize that colleges (the good ones and bad ones) need to cost less and equal more. Don’t you?
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