Friday, November 30, 2012

Homework 11/30/12

 HOMEWORK FOR 11/30/12
DUE 12/3/12

Reading: 1) Read 20 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write some post-its to keep track of your ideas while you read!

Word Study: Glue or tape your old word study words into your notebook. Cut out and initial your new words.

Social Studies: Start thinking about your social studies project. Remember, it is due December 21st!

If you haven’t made a cover for your independent writing project, please make it!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Homework 11/28/12

DUE 11/30/12

Reading: 1) Read 20 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write some post-its to keep track of your ideas while you read!

Book Lover’s Notebook: As part of your nonfiction reading, choose another article to read in TFK. Take notes in your notebook using boxes and bullets.  

Math: Complete Weekly Word Problem #8. DUE FRIDAY

Word Study: Study your word study words for a quiz.

If you haven’t made a cover for your realistic fiction piece, please make it!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Field Trip 11/19

Don't forget that Monday is our field trip to the Museum of the American Indian!

Please remember to send your child to school with a bagged lunch.

Chaperones- please meet in the cafeteria around 9:20am

Friday, November 16, 2012

Reading: Using Precise Language

We know that readers use precise language when talking about their characters. We realized that using boring, dull words doesn't really give anyone a clear picture of the character. Instead, readers think of specific words to describe the way their characters are FEELING in each moment in their stories. 

Homework 11/16/12

 HOMEWORK FOR 11/16/12
DUE 11/19/12

Reading: 1) Read 20 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write some “rising star” inference post-its. Remember to look at your mentor post-its to see how you pushed yourself to earn more stars!

Writing: Finish publishing your realistic fiction story DUE MONDAY. Published independent writing project DUE WEDNESDAY

Field Trip: Don’t forget to bring a bagged lunch on Monday!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homework 11/13/12

 HOMEWORK FOR 11/13/12
DUE 11/16/12

Reading: 1) Read 20 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write some “rising star” inference post-its. Remember to look at your mentor post-its to see how you pushed yourself to earn more stars!

Writing: Continue working on your independent writing project. REVISIONS & EDITS DUE FRIDAY.

Math: Complete the “Factors and Factor Pairs” homework sheet. Practice your math facts.

Word Study: Choose an activity from your new word study menu and try it with your word study words.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Social Studies: Comparing the Iroquois and Sioux Native Americans

 How were Native Americans influenced by environmental and geographical factors?

In our first mini-lecture, students in 411 learned how to compare and contrast the Iroquois and Sioux Native Americans. During the lecture, students listened for information to help them answer the essential question, "How were Native Americans influenced by environmental and geographical factors?"Students experimented with some of the note-taking strategies learned, including webbing, making a list, and using a T-Chart to compare and contrast information.

Check out some of the work below:

Quick Sketch
Quick Sketch



After our mini-lecture, students met in groups and used their notes to sort words and pictures related to the Sioux and Iroquois.

Homework 11/9/12

DUE 11/13/12

Reading: 1) Read 35 minutes (each night) in your independent reading book and log. 2) Write some “rising star” inference post-its. Remember to look at your mentor post-its to see how you pushed yourself to earn more stars!

Writing: Continue working on your independent writing project. Drafting DUE TUESDAY 11/13. REVISIONS & EDITS DUE FRIDAY 11/16.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Homework 11/7/12

DUE 11/9/12

Reading: 1) Read 35 minutes (each night) in your independent reading book and log. 2) Write some “rising star” inference post-its. Remember to look at your mentor post-its to see how you pushed yourself to earn more stars!

Writing: Continue working on your independent writing project. Drafting DUE TUESDAY.

Math: Complete Weekly Word Problem #7 DUE FRIDAY 11/9. Practice your fast facts.

Word Study: Word Study activity #7.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Homework 11/5/12

DUE 11/7/12

Reading: 1) Read 35 minutes (each night) in your independent reading book and log. 2) Write some “rising star” inference post-its. Remember to look at your mentor post-its to see how you pushed yourself to earn more stars!

Writing: Continue working on your independent writing project. Nurturing DUE WEDNESDAY.

Math: Complete SAB pgs. 3-4 DUE WEDNESDAY. Complete Weekly Word Problem #7 DUE FRIDAY 11/9. Practice your fast facts.