Monday, January 28, 2013

Homework 1/28/13

DUE 1/30/13

Reading: 1) Read 30 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write long off some of your post-its to grow your ideas.

Writing: After reading the article, “Menu Changes” in your TFK, complete the writing prompt sheet in your homework folder. DUE FRIDAY

Math: Complete Weekly Word Problem #16. DUE FRIDAY

Word Study: Complete one activity from your word study menu in your notebook.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Writing: Research-Based Argument Essay

Writers use all that they know about writing personal essays and persuasive essays to help them write research-based argument essays. 

As well as using all that they know, writers use text-based evidence from research to support their ideas.

Writers make sure to use quotes or paraphrasing to support their reasons. They set up the evidence by showing where it came from before putting it into their paragraphs. 

  • According to the article (article title), " _____________."
  • In the article (article title), the author tells us that, "___________."

After writers use quotes or paraphrasing, they unpack it by linking it back to their reasons.
  • As you can see...
  • This shows that... 
  • This supports my idea that...



Reading: Nonfiction

Students in 4-411 know that many of the skills and strategies they use to navigate fiction can be adapted to help them navigate nonfiction. Here are some strategies they have been using to become even more powerful readers:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homework 1/7/13

DUE 1/9/13

Reading: 1) Read 30 minutes (each night) in your fiction books and 20 minutes in your nonfiction books and log. 2) Write long off some of your post-its to grow your ideas.

Writing: In your notebook, do some collecting for informational writing. Brainstorm a list of topics you are an expert on, could teach others about, or topics you feel strongly about. Then write long about two of those ideas.

Math: Complete Weekly Word Problem #13 DUE FRIDAY.

Word Study: Complete two activities from your word study menu.